It feel's like we have been here forever. Like are life is here, When we moved I promised myself I would never call here "home". The more I think about it this really is are home. WE have made a family here. I think we call it are home is because of what we have been trough here. We have made some mistakes here. Well I know I have. I don't know if everyone else has I just think they would have.
With my dad gone we have been "changing" a lot. My mom told my dad on Skype that I'm not the girl has when he left.
Now I don't know if this is a good or bad thing. I hope it's good. I feel like I've become my own person. Which may not be a good thing. I feel like I'm fighting by myself. It is very hard for me.
I just feel like my mom isn't really there for me. Like this.
I wasn't acting myself. My mom knew there was something up. So she get my youth leader to take me out and see whats up. OK well I'm happy I got to talk to my leader but I would have loved it if my mom would have asked me herself.
My mom hasn't been the same with my dad gone. She is just always busy with meeting and her job and friends. There just isn't any room for family. When I post this she is going to probably get mad at me, But she did say this blog is where we are free to put are feelings. Well mamma this is how I feel.
An Army family living our lives out loud. We homeschool, we volunteer, we travel. We share it all with you.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Still Going...
We are still going . I don't know if we are going strong or not. We are doing good so far.
It is very hard. We have been trough a lot. We have become stronger. We have made a few good friends and a few enemy's along the way. We have kept in touch with are dad.
Friends have helped a lot. I always thought I had to change to have "good" friends. I was wrong I've been working on being my self, Speaking my mind. Some don't like that... Some do.
My youth leaders have seen me "grow up" "get stronger".
I love my youth. They have helped me trough a lot.
It is very hard. We have been trough a lot. We have become stronger. We have made a few good friends and a few enemy's along the way. We have kept in touch with are dad.
Friends have helped a lot. I always thought I had to change to have "good" friends. I was wrong I've been working on being my self, Speaking my mind. Some don't like that... Some do.
My youth leaders have seen me "grow up" "get stronger".
I love my youth. They have helped me trough a lot.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Being strong
Being Strong is hard. There are allot of thing that make it easier. Like music. Now you are probably thinking how does music make it easier. Well country music help's me relax. It bring me back to my root's. Well I didn't really live in the country. I lived in NC. I lived there for 8year's. We were at church and they prayed for NC because some tornadoes hit NC. My friend turned to me and said I used to live there. I asked how long she said 2year's well in the Army life that's a long time. I said I lived there two but for 8 year's. She was like wow :O. There is a person I talk to allot well two people. One is a Boy and one is Girl.. We are all good friends :D. When I was little I would watch Disney and in The movies there were always The main star usually a Girl and she had a friend that was a girl and one that was a boy. I always giggled because that could never happen. Apparently I was wrong. I'm not sad I was I'm Actually happy. The only sad thing is that the girl is moving soon. Me and her just got really good friend's And now she has to move. Every one is like that's the Army life. I know that but still. Like I said I HATE the Army life.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Me, Techie and Skippy all went and dissected a pig today! I know most people wouldn't be excited about that kind of stuff and I wasn't to excited ether. It was cool , gross and weird all at the same time. We cut open the pig and felt all of the inside and we cut off the head and stuff like that.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
As most of you know I'm home schooled. I had such a good idea my mom said it was good. I said we should wright a paper. I'm have been home school ever since preschool so I have never rote a paper before. I am thinking about doing it on Julius Caesar or Martin Luther King Jr. I like them both. I do like Martin better but I do like Julius two. I'm asking all my friend's what I should do.
Time is tick, tick, ticking away...
Kids and I are great, moving through life just fine. Hanging out, cleaning house, doing laundry. We know that in 3 days there is going to be a huge hole in the house, but we are plugging along. We have all had time with GI Jack on our own in the last couple of weeks.
I pitch a little internal hissy last night. I just hate that this is happening. But I know that it is a part of the process and we are going to make it through. The kids and I are looking forward to a trip to FL in a couple of weeks. I am hoping that the sun and the sand can just lighten our hearts a little bit.
I stepped down as an FRG Leader today. Yeah, 3 days before they leave for a month of training, but right now I know that they FRG is in great hands and I really just want to focus on my kids. Just where I am.
Today, I am thankful for warm temps in early March, the sunshine, and my family.
Kids and I are great, moving through life just fine. Hanging out, cleaning house, doing laundry. We know that in 3 days there is going to be a huge hole in the house, but we are plugging along. We have all had time with GI Jack on our own in the last couple of weeks.
I pitch a little internal hissy last night. I just hate that this is happening. But I know that it is a part of the process and we are going to make it through. The kids and I are looking forward to a trip to FL in a couple of weeks. I am hoping that the sun and the sand can just lighten our hearts a little bit.
I stepped down as an FRG Leader today. Yeah, 3 days before they leave for a month of training, but right now I know that they FRG is in great hands and I really just want to focus on my kids. Just where I am.
Today, I am thankful for warm temps in early March, the sunshine, and my family.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
I'm Thankful for.....
I'm Thankful for my Daddy that takes me out to sonic for a date.
This is what we signed up for.
When it comes to a deployment, there's always someone that says "Oh, i wish you didn't have to go.", and this bugs me. Why? Because this is what the soldiers signed up for. They knew that if they joined the military that they would very likely get deployed. Some of them joined because all they wanted to do was get deployed and go fight for our freedom. Yes, it is hard to go without that person for that long of time... but at least they are gone for a good reason.
My daddy is in the Army as you all know. When your a Army Brat there is always a time when your mom or dad will deploy. You may not like it but it will happen. My daddy is going to N.T.C. Its not really a deployment. Its more of a camp. He is leaving soon. To help me be strong I just look at my poster that says *With you to guide me, Lord, I know that I'll be strong* I just love that poster. I will be strong but My friend and family will help allot. My friend here are used to the Army life. I'm still getting used to it. It may take a while but I will soon enough. Some time in March we are going to Florida. I cant wait. I get to see my big brother. His not really my brother. He is my cousin. My parents kinda raised him. I think going to Florida will help me get my mind off my daddy. My dad will be really deploying some time in June I think. That is the real deployment. He will be gone for a year. I will be almost fourteen by the time he get's back. My BFF in NC were I used to live. She may come down here when my dad deploy's. She will help allot. The people that will help allot is my Youth leader's. They were Army brat's to so they know what I am going trough.
Monster Hunter Tri 3
Now this week I'm going to be talking about a game called Monster Hunter Tri 3. Its a really awesome game where you hunt monsters and after you have killed them you can loot them and get scales and hides to get new armor and weapons so you can kill them easier next time. You also have to try and capture monsters and if you thought killing them was hard then you ain't seen nothing yet. At the beginning of the game there is this really big boss that your going to have to fight later on, its called the lagiacrus (luh gee ah chris). its this really huge lord of the sea's, at least that's what they say. Another thing thats happening in the beginning is there are tons of earthquake's and you have to figure out why. Ok so next week I'll be talking about the new Marvel Vs. Capcom 3
Castle Crashers
Ok, so the game this week is castle crashers. Its where four princess' are kidnapped and you have to save them. I know what your thinking, "Oh saving princess' how orignal." and well i wouldn't blame you for thinking that. Now here's the twist, you can use almost anything in the game as a tool of mass destruction! You can also have little tiny animals flying around you that give you boosts like magic and agility. But here's the other twist, you have to FIND all this cool stuff for yourself. Their every where like behind things and sometimes you have to destroy stuff to get a or an animal. Last week i said you can't find this on the shelfs and i wasn't telling a fib, you have to get it on Xbox live and nowhere else. well that's it for this week, join me next time as I talk about a really awesome game called Monster Hunter Tri 3.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Getting in the Army
Well here's how it happened, the parents decided to get in the Army, then when we got to the recruiting office some one forgot to send one of his papers. So he had to fill it out again I think, I don't know I wasn't in there. So then we waited a few days and tried again this time they had all the papers so me Momma and and "the other two" went down to Florida for a few months then as we were about to be in the Army they messed up his papers again! so we waited in Florida a few more months then we were finally in the Army. So we went and picked up G.I.Jack and we started the eight-teen hour drive from Florida to Texas. We had made a hotel reservation in Texarkana. Apparently we made our reservation for the Texas side of town but when we got we went to the Arkansas side and when we got there they said they didn't have any reservations under our name so they asked us if we asked for our reservation on the Texas side we said yes and they said we were on the Arkansas side. So we drove to the other side and checked in. we stayed up a few hours watching T.V. then we went to sleep. the next day we made it here at Fort G. That's our story, and I hope you enjoyed it.
Call Of Duty Black Ops
Time for some Black Ops! Me personally I think that Black Ops is the most kick-butt game I have ever played. I mean its just awesome! You can set up computers to play against, so if you like playing those team games but your friends aren't there you can also set the computers to be on your team. You can access every gun and perk as soon as you start, unless your playing online then you have to get your guns by leveling up. My favorite guns personally are the RPK, the M60, the stoner 63, the famas, the AUG and the AK 47. My best perks are scavenger pro, slight of hand pro and marathon pro. I also like the semtex as my grenade and the nova gas, and I also like the claymore. As my secondary I like the ASP as my pistol, the law as my rocket launcher and the cross bow as my special. Next week I'm going to be talking about a game that you can't find on the shelves, its called castle crashers. The only way to get it is to be a Xbox live member and get it in the market place.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Avid Reader...
Currently reading Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption on my Kindle App for my Android phone. I love a good biography. I don't know how long I will survive reading it once it gets to the war stuff, but I have enjoyed the first parts of the book.
Saturday Night...
Tonight I am thankful for cupcakes and quick dinners. I am thankful for my children making friends and for my husband that trusts me and wraps his arms around me while I sleep.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Halo Reach.
Basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to chose a game I once played and tell you all the good and bad things about it. As you can see by the name of the tittle I'm going to be talking about the new Halo, also the last Halo. I pretty much found two or three problems, 1. you can't mix and match the elites armor like in 2 and 3, 2. the tank has no weak spot when indestructible vehicles is on like all the other vehicles, 3. in the campaign you can't take the warthog where ever you want anymore! 4. I'm not sure if you guys will like it or not but I like how you have to play the game with your friend and campaign to level up and buy armor. Now I'm going to tell you about the good things. 1.they made some new weapons like the concussion riffle and the DMR. (the battle riffle from 2 and 3 only they turned it into a single shot.) 2. they made the most awesome vehicle in 1 and took it out in 2 and 3 and now its back, I forgot the name but it has the maneuverability of the ghost and the fire power of the wraith. 3. they made new armor! it looks so cool and you can wear it in the campaign! you can even buy master chiefs voice so in the campaign you sound like him! There are other voices to from both 2, 3 and ODST. 4. they made it to where your armor can have ability's like running, jet pack, armor lock, (you press the button and you become in invincible for a short time.) drop shield, dodge and invisibility. That's it for this week! Next week I'm going to talk about the new COD Black Ops!
Monday, February 7, 2011
My Friend's
At my youth. I have a couple Friend's. There is one that home school's like me. She is my age and every thing. The only thing is all the other girls think I am taking there BFF. She is moving in July so after she move's. I will have more friend's That don't think I am taking theres. I will be sad wene she moves but I will have more friend's after she is gone.
My blessing of the day
I am thankful for Daddy's. That will bring there daughter's on Dates. Oh how I love daddy daughter Dates.
Our cat
Our cat is like other cats, she attacks anything that moves, she likes boxes and she likes naps. She's not like other cats in some ways too, she sometimes just decides to disappear and sometimes she likes us 1 second the next she's clawing at us and trying to bite us. Another good thing about cats is that their fuzzy, cuddly and lovable! That's what I like about our cat and other peoples cats.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
You know you are a military wife when...
1. You have an SOP of when you can and can't freak out.
2. When your children's favorite channel is the Military Channel.
3. You know the joy of hearing the ripping of velcro at ungodly early hours in the morning.
4. A pile of gear in the foyer fills your heart with joy because it means your husband did actually come out of the field, even if just for a few hours.
5. You have celebrated holidays sometimes weeks or months after everyone else due to the needs of the Army.
6. You shop for home decorations with the forethought of can this be broken by the movers.
7. Sleeping in means you don't get up until 0730.
8. You know that benedryl is a better choice of a sleep agent than Tylenol PM because you don't need the pain relief.
9. You know the menstrual cycles of all of the women in your husband's unit, especially when they are in the field.
10. Your husband only ever wears two pair of shoes, combat boots and running shoes.
2. When your children's favorite channel is the Military Channel.
3. You know the joy of hearing the ripping of velcro at ungodly early hours in the morning.
4. A pile of gear in the foyer fills your heart with joy because it means your husband did actually come out of the field, even if just for a few hours.
5. You have celebrated holidays sometimes weeks or months after everyone else due to the needs of the Army.
6. You shop for home decorations with the forethought of can this be broken by the movers.
7. Sleeping in means you don't get up until 0730.
8. You know that benedryl is a better choice of a sleep agent than Tylenol PM because you don't need the pain relief.
9. You know the menstrual cycles of all of the women in your husband's unit, especially when they are in the field.
10. Your husband only ever wears two pair of shoes, combat boots and running shoes.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Today I am thankful...
For the excitement of my husband and children that there is snow falling outside. Just because I hate it, doesn't give me reason to be a joy stealer for them. So despite the fact that I am a Florida girl that prefers sand to snow, I can hunt the good stuff and know that they are so full of excitement and joy. For today that is enough for me.
My blessing of the day
I'm thankful for my momma. She is the best momma in the world. Love you momma.
Genesis 1:27 and what it means to me
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." I think that this verse means that we were created to love and care like him. That we were made to love are neighbors as we do our selves. That we were all made to be friends instead of foes. That we were made to follow his plan, not our own. That we were made to follow J.O.Y. (Jesus Others You). That we were made to help others at all times. That we were made to be like him in every single way ever possible.
I have to laugh. I know, I know... I shouldn't. But I have to. I have attended a class for the last 5 Thursdays on what the Army defines as a resilient family member. I have attended all of the classes and they have now deemed me "equipped". I have to laugh because if I slowed down too long and really thought about why they are teaching me to be resilient I would have to cry.
I choose instead to laugh. I choose instead to hunt the good stuff and to be joyful no matter what the situation.
Drama, what drama? There was drama?
I guess what really keeps me moving is that I have survived so much more than people know. I am 'more than an overcomer'. I don't often give the gory details, but what the Army defines as resilient I define as 'overcomer'. So what exactly does that mean?
It doesn't mean that life is a bowl of cherries and that you never face challenges, or failure, or success. It doesn't mean that you have perfect kids, or a perfect marriage or dogs that never poop on the floor. It means that when you lose everything, you realize it was just stuff. When you lose someone you love, that you remember that God still has a purpose for your life. You plan for the worst and hope for the best. You don't take all of your anger, frustration, fear out on anyone near you. They can't handle it. They don't deserve it. God, whom doesn't deserve it, is the only one that can handle it. I remember many a time sitting in the Ingles parking lot overlooking our little town and yelling and crying to God to change my life. To deliver me. He did. Not in any way that I could have predicted or phathomed - did that prepare me for here? Maybe, but after the last couple of years of walking out the recovery of a life and dreams destroyed, I just value things differently. What used to be a HUGE deal, is now just common place. What used to kick me over the edge now just may cause a few tears. Do I always get it right? No. Are there days that I want to lay in bed and pull the covers over my head? Yes. And I do. Plenty of times.
Sometimes being resilient is knowing that I have permission to shut out the rest of the world. Resilient is being able to say no, being able to set and enforce comfortable boundaries.
This is all what resilient means to me, what does it mean to you?
I choose instead to laugh. I choose instead to hunt the good stuff and to be joyful no matter what the situation.
Drama, what drama? There was drama?
I guess what really keeps me moving is that I have survived so much more than people know. I am 'more than an overcomer'. I don't often give the gory details, but what the Army defines as resilient I define as 'overcomer'. So what exactly does that mean?
It doesn't mean that life is a bowl of cherries and that you never face challenges, or failure, or success. It doesn't mean that you have perfect kids, or a perfect marriage or dogs that never poop on the floor. It means that when you lose everything, you realize it was just stuff. When you lose someone you love, that you remember that God still has a purpose for your life. You plan for the worst and hope for the best. You don't take all of your anger, frustration, fear out on anyone near you. They can't handle it. They don't deserve it. God, whom doesn't deserve it, is the only one that can handle it. I remember many a time sitting in the Ingles parking lot overlooking our little town and yelling and crying to God to change my life. To deliver me. He did. Not in any way that I could have predicted or phathomed - did that prepare me for here? Maybe, but after the last couple of years of walking out the recovery of a life and dreams destroyed, I just value things differently. What used to be a HUGE deal, is now just common place. What used to kick me over the edge now just may cause a few tears. Do I always get it right? No. Are there days that I want to lay in bed and pull the covers over my head? Yes. And I do. Plenty of times.
Sometimes being resilient is knowing that I have permission to shut out the rest of the world. Resilient is being able to say no, being able to set and enforce comfortable boundaries.
This is all what resilient means to me, what does it mean to you?
Bible study
5 Boaz asked the overseer of his harvesters, “Who does that young woman belong to?”
I'm happy I wasn't alive back then. If you read this you see that a girl was OWNED. I would hate for some one to talk about me like that. I know that was just how it was back then but' still. I know we are all owned till we turn eight teen I git that. But I would not want some one saying who does that girl belong to? I was watching the History Channel on Julius.S and he gave his fifteen year old daughter to a Forty year old guy to gain his trust. An how your dad chose your husband not you. You didn't even git to say no.
My likes and unlikes
The color Green its my birth stone. I love the darker Green. Lime Green just looks funny. I love Frog's not as a pet but at a stuffed animal. I love all animals tho. I also like waka waka by Shakira. I am lessing to it right now. I just have some thing about Africa. I would love to go there some day. Not to live just a trip for two weeks. I have a list of places I want to go before I die. I know I'm only eleven but..... On the list is Africa and Alaska and Jamaica. Thats my top three. I love to decorate my room. Not my whole room just on my bunk bed. I have my own room but I still have bunk beds. I just put up drawings I did. and ribbon. I don't really like to read unlike my whole family. I would rather just draw. or curl up with my puppy. I love fruit and veggies. I don't like sweets but I like a few sweets but not a lot. I could survive on strawberry milk and peanut butter.It has to be JIF though. My favorite animal is a Lieger. This is a Lieger by his momma.
The Lieger is the big one.

My siblings
First there is my brother, Techie, he likes to play on his computer, he likes to ride his bike and he can be a little goofy sometimes. He is good at video games (almost as good as me.), he likes to play his music really loud and he likes going to youth. Now for my sis, Skippy, she likes stuffed animals, she has maybe 50 of them. she also likes the real animals, she likes to play with her puppy, especially walking her and she likes to play with Lego's. She's cute, pretty, beautiful and what ever else you can think of. So that all of them, in all of their goofiness! Now you both know my siblings, and their cheesy butts! Tomorrow, I'll talk about the parents! Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
It's really stinks when Momma get sick. Yesterday Techie had to cook dinner and GI Jack had to go buy groceries. But they did it and I was so thankful. GI Jack even bought the fixings to cook dinner tonight. I am blessed and I am feeling better today!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Six Flags
The day before 2010 was over me and the rest of them when to Six Flags. On the way there our truck broke down next to an antique store. We thought that the piece that was broken was in the glove box, Momma looked but didn't see one. So we all got out of the truck. Momma and Skippy went and looked around in the store while me and the guys waited for the tow truck. After a while Techie got bored so instead of sitting around doing nothing, he looked in the glove box again, and what do you know he found it! So they started working on that, I kept looking for the tow truck and the girls kept looking around in the store. Finally the guys fixed it so I went to look for the girls. As I was going in one door they were coming out another. So as I was looking around for them, they were talking to G.I.Jack. So I finally come out and we all get back in the truck. Then G.I.Jack calls and tells the tow truck guy that we fixed it. A few miles later the truck broke down again! This time we didn't have the part so the tow guy came and towed us off to a near by Ford dealer. So we waited a few hours and they drove us to a Chili's and we had some lunch. Then we drove back waited a little bit more and they fixed it. So by the time we got to Six Flags it was already 6:00 and most of the rides were closed. We still got to ride a lot of the rides though. We decided not to stay for the fire works at 1:00. But on the way home we saw some other guys shoot off some of their own fire works. Then we finally got home and the first thing we all did was go up stairs and go to sleep. The End.
My friend
My friend, he's many things. He's fun, he likes to play video games, he introduced me to castle crashers (game), he's awesome! He's going to be moving very soon. He has a sister, and luckily her and Skippy hang out so they don't keep messing with us while we're killing zombies. Me and him went and saw Megamind together a while back. I'm going to miss playing video games with him, plus he's the only good competiton around here! P.S. don't tell G.I.Jack over there I said that!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Sunday nights...
What is it about the TV being on that makes me nutty? Maybe because I don't have the patience to sit there and watch it. Especially during an NCIS maration Sunday. Ready to watch Worst Cooks in America and then take over yet another Monday.
Today I am thankful that I cleaned my office so that it could get filled with boy scout gear. GRrrrrrr!
Today I am thankful that I cleaned my office so that it could get filled with boy scout gear. GRrrrrrr!
Friday, January 28, 2011
My husband and my children, even when they all team up against me. I am still the medicine giver. Being the CinC of Household Six ROCKS!!!
Although, I would really like to understand why when GI Jack gets sick that the thinks he makes him somewhat less masculine if he goes to the doctor.
Although, I would really like to understand why when GI Jack gets sick that the thinks he makes him somewhat less masculine if he goes to the doctor.
-stress = +Attitude
I'm blessed to have those little stress relievers like bike riding, hanging out with friends, and listening to music.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Double Blessing... (Because there are so many)
I'm thankful for a home in which we can live and rejoice in.
I'm also thankful for a comfy place to sleep every night.
Some people don't have these things... but we do and I feel blessed.
Cleaning House...
Sometimes its the things that you least want to do, that end up being the most productive. Like cleaning house... We now have a nice clean house so that our goals can be more easily accomplished.
My blessing of the day
I'm thankful for my Friends. That invite my to there birthday party!!!
As my school today I have to talk about chores.
First of all there is kitchen were you have to do dishes and ?????. There is all so Pet Care were you have to feel and water all for animals and clean up messes. There is bath rooms and litter box and trash to. My favorite is P.C. The worst is K. Well that pretty much all so bye......
What i love about my house
Well its two stories, I've always liked that. I get my own room after twelve years of sharing a room with Techie. The best part in my opinion is that we don't have to pay as much money. The Army pays a lot of utility's if you don't go over the limit, if you do you'll only have to pay the small bit you went over.
At my house instead of giving the kids chores randomly, we have P.C. Pet Care, B.L.T. Bathrooms Litter box Trash, and K. Kitchen witch the kids alternate every Sunday. Also whoever is on P.C. gets front seat whenever Techie isn't driving.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
If I wanted whine, I'd go to the Class Six.
I would love to remind a few wives that the Army is their husband's wife, you are but his mistress. Being an Army Wife is tough, I would never dare to make light of that, but seriously, whine doesn't help.
There are a few things that tick me off, too. Like my Techie turning 16 in March, yet again, without his Dad around. We miss him on birthdays, alot. He wasn't here for Gamer Boys this past year and he won't be here this year either. He probably won't be around for mine. It's life, you make the best of it and you move on. It's not about what they miss, but the precious hours that they do get to spend with you that matter. A mistress understands that, a wife does not. It's all about perspective, it's all in how you look at it and make the best of it.
I do not posess a crystal ball that lets me know when they are coming home. The 1SGT nor the CDR call me and give me a heads up on when they are having final formation. I get my information from my soldier, just like the rest of us. Our rule here is that most nights of the week, we eat dinner at 7 pm, whether he is here or not. We do school from 9-3, whether he is here or not. We don't watch TV until after dinner, whether he is here or not. I need a routine, my kids need a routine, the Army - has no routine.
Suck up and ruck on. I read a quote the other day that said, "Embrace the suck." Do you have an option? Honestly? I don't think so. It sucks, I know it sucks, you know it sucks, but it is what it is. When my soldier walks in the door I choose to embrace him for the moments that I have him. I plan impromptu date nights because if I try to pencil them in on the calendar I am sure to be disappointed. If we look at each other and realize that we can run away, for an hour, an evening, a weekend, we do it. I can either bash him with my whine, or I can allow him to crawl in the bed next to me and live in a moment of peace without anyone barking orders at him. As I do that, he is more open to embrace me back and allow me to pour out my anxiety on his chest and to wipe away my tears when I have a moment of overwhelming weakness.
I choose to be his mistress and his lover.
There are a few things that tick me off, too. Like my Techie turning 16 in March, yet again, without his Dad around. We miss him on birthdays, alot. He wasn't here for Gamer Boys this past year and he won't be here this year either. He probably won't be around for mine. It's life, you make the best of it and you move on. It's not about what they miss, but the precious hours that they do get to spend with you that matter. A mistress understands that, a wife does not. It's all about perspective, it's all in how you look at it and make the best of it.
I do not posess a crystal ball that lets me know when they are coming home. The 1SGT nor the CDR call me and give me a heads up on when they are having final formation. I get my information from my soldier, just like the rest of us. Our rule here is that most nights of the week, we eat dinner at 7 pm, whether he is here or not. We do school from 9-3, whether he is here or not. We don't watch TV until after dinner, whether he is here or not. I need a routine, my kids need a routine, the Army - has no routine.
Suck up and ruck on. I read a quote the other day that said, "Embrace the suck." Do you have an option? Honestly? I don't think so. It sucks, I know it sucks, you know it sucks, but it is what it is. When my soldier walks in the door I choose to embrace him for the moments that I have him. I plan impromptu date nights because if I try to pencil them in on the calendar I am sure to be disappointed. If we look at each other and realize that we can run away, for an hour, an evening, a weekend, we do it. I can either bash him with my whine, or I can allow him to crawl in the bed next to me and live in a moment of peace without anyone barking orders at him. As I do that, he is more open to embrace me back and allow me to pour out my anxiety on his chest and to wipe away my tears when I have a moment of overwhelming weakness.
I choose to be his mistress and his lover.
My blessing of the day
I'm thankful for a dad that even tho has school work. He always has time for us.
Love you daddy.
My Joy...
Is my children. They bless me with their brutal honesty and their love.
Ruth 1:15-1:16
“Look,” said Naomi, “your sister-in-law is going back to her people and her gods. Go back with her.”But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.
I just love this verse. first of all Ruth wanted to just keep moving forward. Even tho her sister stop. Its like the trial to god. Just because your friends or family stop moving toward god. You shouldn't stop. I love how much energy Ruth puts in to it just for her to keep moving. This is one of the many reasons I think Ruth is just so awesome. God thought she was just so awesome. He put her in the bible.
What I love about my family
Well first there's G.I.Jack, he's the one in the Army. He almost always has a hard day at work but he almost always plays COD Black Ops with us. Then there is Momma. She's the boss when ever G.I.Jack is in the field, witch is most of the time. Anyway back to Momma, She is a computer addict, she is very good at teaching, she's good at making plan's but not maintaining them. Next theirs Techie, he's good with electronics, he loves to ride his bike, he's also good at playing his music so loud that Momma can hear it through the floor. Next is Skippy. She is the baby one of the family. She can be nice one second then she can go crazy. Our lives are just that interesting.
There no matter what...
'At noon Elijah began to taunt them. “Shout louder!” he said. “Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened.”' - 1 Kings 18:27
This right here makes me so thankful for a God that is always there, never busy, and never tired. To know that at any point in time i can call upon God, the real God, and know he will be there.
Let there be light!
Genesis 1:3 "And God said ""Let there be light."" and there was light." To me this mean's God is giving us happiness and hope and everything good in and out of our world.
Organized Chaos...
I'm so thankful for all the people and things in my life that help me stay organized... I have no clue where I'd be without them.
Blessing of the Day...
Today, I am thankful for pasta and that God is continuing to work reconciliation into my heart.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
My blessing of the day
I'm thankful for awesome parents. That let you go on summer camping trips with your youth group. Thank Momma and Daddy. ( theirs nothing wrong about calling your dad daddy)
The Call...
As I was sitting in PWOC this morning and one of the leaders was praying God showed me a new facet of his love and provision. I had never considered being a "soldier's wife" a ministry position. Not that I didn't minister in that position, the concreteness of the position just never hit me like it did this morning. What does it take to be a "soldier's wife"?
I think that marriage is a ministry no matter what your husband or wife's occupation. The call of a "soldier's wife" though adds a few layers that in my opinion others don't deal with. Being Mom and Dad, coordinating births with training schedules and understanding that God's timing is always perfect. So many women share this ministry with me, and somehow we all have to learn to lean on God in the hard times, pre-deployment, during deployment, R&R and even post-deployment. We are all somewhere in the cycle and I find it very comforting that all though I can feel isolated, as I open up to these new people in my life, that I am not alone in this crazy cycle.
So today, as part of my Blessing Byte, I am thankful for God's calling on my life to be a "soldier's wife", among other positions that he has given me. Today I honor the military and the call that it has on my entire family. Yes, the Army frustrates me to no end, but God uses that frustration to teach me more about myself, to strengthen my need on him and to show me that I am more resilient than I give myself credit for.
I think that marriage is a ministry no matter what your husband or wife's occupation. The call of a "soldier's wife" though adds a few layers that in my opinion others don't deal with. Being Mom and Dad, coordinating births with training schedules and understanding that God's timing is always perfect. So many women share this ministry with me, and somehow we all have to learn to lean on God in the hard times, pre-deployment, during deployment, R&R and even post-deployment. We are all somewhere in the cycle and I find it very comforting that all though I can feel isolated, as I open up to these new people in my life, that I am not alone in this crazy cycle.
So today, as part of my Blessing Byte, I am thankful for God's calling on my life to be a "soldier's wife", among other positions that he has given me. Today I honor the military and the call that it has on my entire family. Yes, the Army frustrates me to no end, but God uses that frustration to teach me more about myself, to strengthen my need on him and to show me that I am more resilient than I give myself credit for.
What I love about my youth group
We play a game as soon as we start. Then we worship. Then they tell us a really cool true story about themselves that has a really cool moral to it. Then we break-off into study groups of high school girls, high school boys, middle school girls and middle school boys. Then we can go back to the main room and buy some snacks for fifty cents!
Monday, January 24, 2011
What I think about my life
I'm not in to all this Army stuff. If you ask me we were a lot happier when we weren't in the Army. Yes I know before we were self employed and didn't have a lot of money in are pocket, but I still like our old little bubble life. I'm not saying I don't like it here but I liked it their a little bit better there. On the other side if we didn't move here I wouldn't have such a great Puppy,and a awesome youth. Still I miss my friends. I could never stop loving them. I just feel like a misfit here. No one on my street is my age. Other than one but she is not really a good friend like I'm looking for. I have a awesome friend at my youth. She is just a bit to quiet for me tho. When I go to the park by my house their is sometimes girls my age,I walk up to them and they ask me were I go to school. I say I'm home schooled. Its quiet for a few seconds. Then they looked at each other and look at me and asked in a quiet little pitiful voice I guess you don't have any friends do you? It happens every time. I do get a little mad. All my friends where I used to live were all home schooled. Here barley no one is..... but as my momma always says *Put on your big girl panties and deal with it* I know I'm 11 and all but I cried when my dad was gone for 2 and a half weeks I don't know about all this year stuff. I would be a teen when he gets back. I still love to curl up with him and take a nap.
Thank goodness...
I'm thankful for a father that, no matter how tired he is, still finds time to play video games with his kids.
My blessing of the day
Friends and Family,My Puppy.
What I love about my Dog
First of all you should know that she is a Great Dane/Australian Shepard which is awesome! She's loyal, she's cuddly, she's the friend i can always go to, she's lovable, and she can be used as a big pillow!
Pre-Deployment War
Okay, I am the type that I have to have something to focus my attention on, something that I can attack when I am feeling overwhelmed by emotions and feeling out of control because I have no control over the Army or what they dictate to my family.
So I have declared war on our debt and our bills. I hate balancing the checkbook, with a passion. For years the checkbook and bills incited so much fear in me that I would literally have to leave the house while GI Jack worked on them. With the transition back into full time military mode it just makes more sense for me to take on that role. I have a notebook that I write down all of my bills in and balance them between the first and the fifteenth pay checks. I currently run at 26% of our income goes towards utilities and bills. I am working to get that number lower and lower. As I am able to pay off debts, that will decrease and hopefully by the time GI Jack gets back from his deployment I will be able to say that the only bills I have to pay are utilities.
After being self-employed for so many years and not being able to use a workable budget because we lived so feast or famine, being able to know what is coming in on a month basis has set me up for success. I am working on the rest of our budget, what I need for savings, groceries, gas, and the little incidentals that happen in every family.
I am praying for the job that I applied for. One, because I would love it and two, because it would help me in this fight. The money that I make with my direct sales business goes for "Mad Money", for example, if the kids and I want to go camping, or maybe head home for a couple of weeks.
Right now, I am also saving money to send my kids to a youth summer camp this summer. Sending 3 kids to camp is a pretty penny. It's something that they want to do, I am working on it. The deserve it. I know that God will provide.
So I have declared war on our debt and our bills. I hate balancing the checkbook, with a passion. For years the checkbook and bills incited so much fear in me that I would literally have to leave the house while GI Jack worked on them. With the transition back into full time military mode it just makes more sense for me to take on that role. I have a notebook that I write down all of my bills in and balance them between the first and the fifteenth pay checks. I currently run at 26% of our income goes towards utilities and bills. I am working to get that number lower and lower. As I am able to pay off debts, that will decrease and hopefully by the time GI Jack gets back from his deployment I will be able to say that the only bills I have to pay are utilities.
After being self-employed for so many years and not being able to use a workable budget because we lived so feast or famine, being able to know what is coming in on a month basis has set me up for success. I am working on the rest of our budget, what I need for savings, groceries, gas, and the little incidentals that happen in every family.
I am praying for the job that I applied for. One, because I would love it and two, because it would help me in this fight. The money that I make with my direct sales business goes for "Mad Money", for example, if the kids and I want to go camping, or maybe head home for a couple of weeks.
Right now, I am also saving money to send my kids to a youth summer camp this summer. Sending 3 kids to camp is a pretty penny. It's something that they want to do, I am working on it. The deserve it. I know that God will provide.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Blessing Byte
I am thankful for the ability to carve time out to just sit with my kids and enjoy a night of Worst Cooks in America and Iron Chef, our little Sunday night ritual. It just sets the tone for the rest of the week.
Rumor has it that I might see my husband for a few hours tonight... it's been a long two weeks.
Thankful for phone calls from new friends and messages from long-time ones that seem to keep me moving in the right direction.
Rumor has it that I might see my husband for a few hours tonight... it's been a long two weeks.
Thankful for phone calls from new friends and messages from long-time ones that seem to keep me moving in the right direction.
My Life
Well where do I start? How about my best Friends. I have two. One in NC and one in TX. The one in NC has been my friend forever. Well not FOREVER. It really my moms fault I'm friends with her. Me and Her were in girl scouts together. We didn't really talk to each other. Are moms were friends. They made us spend the night at my house and ever since we have been friends. I still Skype her all the time .My TX best friend I met at my youth. She is quiet. Well time to talk about my self. I'm a 11 year old girl. I have two older brothers no sisters. Three Dogs and a Cat. One of the dogs the puppy is mine I got her for Christmas. She loves me. She is just so cute. shes not what you would think of if someone says puppy. She is big. She is sick right now I woke up to a sore throat and puppy puke on my blanket. I just washed yesterday. most owners would git mad and freak out about it. I just love on her and say it ok. she curls up beside me and falls asleep. Are other dog are a bit ???????. They try to eat and even the cat eats her food so I have to git on to them.
Acta non verba - Deeds, not words.
Now while I am the Techie of the family, you may expect me to enjoy sitting at my computer typing up long stories, but you're wrong. I'm not doing this for the joy of writing, i prefer to do stuff that gets written about. I'm not doing this to make people sad for me as i write about the hard times in my life. I'm doing this simply to show people who read this (like you) how i feel about the things that go on in my life. Now I am a military child and I too wish to go into the military one day, most of you would now say that military must be my life. It's not though, it's merely a part of it. Being only a sophomore in high-school, school is still a very large part, I'm also in scouting, church youth, and i always have friends, my time is limited and my motivation even more so. Yet I press on looking forward to the outcome of what I do. So here on this blog, don't expect it to just be my emotions and thought, expect to hear about things I do, the things I see, and maybe a little emotion.
Times they are a changin' here at Ft. G. Training schedules, cold weather and an new puppy seem to dominate my daily life. This is a homeschool project for the kids and I, somewhere for us to express ourselves and what is going on with our lives. We all process differently, but we wanted somewhere to get it all out. What is said on here, is just us, expressing our views on our lives. We will attempt to not judge ourselves or others too harshly.
We all love Jesus, each other, and the soldier that we love. We are a cohesive team, family, and we just thought this would be a great place to share our thoughts and emotions. Not really a day in life kind of thing... but, maybe, sometimes. Due to OPSEC and trying to keep our family safe, we don't mention our location or our names. If you know us, keep it to yourselves. We welcome you to comment, just try to keep our safety in mind.
Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy our lives.
We all love Jesus, each other, and the soldier that we love. We are a cohesive team, family, and we just thought this would be a great place to share our thoughts and emotions. Not really a day in life kind of thing... but, maybe, sometimes. Due to OPSEC and trying to keep our family safe, we don't mention our location or our names. If you know us, keep it to yourselves. We welcome you to comment, just try to keep our safety in mind.
Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy our lives.
Welcome to Fort G
(Before i begin this i have to tell you I'm not really good at this kind of stuff, but i hope to get better!)Life began at Fort G by my Dad getting back into the Army. We moved back and forth a few times until we got here. Life at Fort G is very interesting, we have whiny Army wives,we home school, we have youth, we have Army men who need their heads pulled out of their butts, but most of all we have each other. We have ups and downs, we have side to sides, we even have loops! So i hope you enjoy our lives as much as we have fun living it! When we first got here we couldn't believe every thing this place had! there was bowling, Chinese food, D.Q., Burger King, McDonald's, Ryan's, and a lot more but i won't bore you with all that.We were looking around and we realized, we're not in Kansas anymore Toto. We are a Army family now and we need to start helping others so they can help others. We need to teach the poor man how to fish instead of just giving him a fish! We hear artillery going of in the distance as the Army is testing them to see if they work. My Dad pretty much drives a tank as his job! He might be leaving within five or six month's! Going off to get some bad guys just to protect his family and country! for those of you who don't like us fighting other country's you should try to survive when people are shooting at you! would you protect you and your family? or would you just let them get you and your family? if you answered protect your family your right. if you answered let them get you then you are a coward who wouldn't protect his family when they needed you most!
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